How to Customize a Dog Patrolling Package for Your Business

Implementing a dog patrolling service can significantly enhance the security of your business. However, to maximize its effectiveness, it's essential to customize a dog patrolling package that meets your specific needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a tailored dog patrolling package for your business.

1. Assess Your Security Needs

Evaluate Vulnerabilities:

  • Site Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of your premises to identify high-risk areas, such as entrances, parking lots, and sensitive zones.

  • Incident History: Review any past security incidents to determine where increased vigilance is needed.

Determine Objectives:

  • Define Goals: Are you looking to deter crime, manage crowd control, or respond to emergencies? Clearly outlining your objectives will guide your customization.

2. Choose the Right Breed and Training

Select the Appropriate Breed:

  • Behavioral Traits: Different breeds have varying temperaments. For example, German Shepherds are known for their protective nature, while Labrador Retrievers may be more suited for a friendly and approachable presence.

  • Consider Environment: The choice of breed should also consider the specific environment (indoor vs. outdoor, busy vs. quiet).

Specialized Training:

  • Specific Skills: Ensure that the dogs are trained for specific tasks relevant to your business needs, such as tracking, patrol, or detection (e.g., narcotics, explosives).

  • Handler Training: Handlers should be well-trained not only in dog management but also in emergency response and communication skills.

3. Determine Patrol Frequency and Schedule

Customize Patrol Frequency:

  • Peak Times: Identify when your business is most vulnerable (e.g., after hours, during events) and schedule patrols accordingly.

  • Routine vs. Random Patrols: Decide whether you want routine patrols at specific times or a more randomized approach to keep potential intruders guessing.

Create a Flexible Schedule:

  • Adjustable Timings: Ensure the patrol schedule can adapt based on changing needs, such as special events or increased foot traffic.

4. Define Areas of Focus

Target Specific Locations:

  • High-Risk Zones: Identify key areas that require more attention, such as loading docks, restricted access areas, or employee-only zones.

  • Event-Based Security: If your business hosts events, ensure the patrol package includes heightened security during those times.

Implement a Reporting System:

  • Incident Reporting: Establish a system for handlers to report any unusual activity or incidents during their patrols.

  • Feedback Loop: Encourage communication between handlers and management to address any emerging security concerns.

5. Integrate with Existing Security Systems

Coordinate with Current Measures:

  • Complementary Services: Ensure that the dog patrol service integrates seamlessly with your existing security measures, such as CCTV, alarms, or access control systems.

  • Data Sharing: Facilitate communication between the dog patrol team and other security personnel for coordinated efforts.

Technology Utilization:

  • Monitoring Tools: Consider equipping handlers with mobile devices for real-time communication and reporting.

  • GPS Tracking: Implement GPS tracking for patrol routes to monitor coverage and efficiency.

6. Establish Clear Policies and Protocols

Develop Operational Guidelines:

  • Handler Protocols: Clearly outline the responsibilities and procedures for handlers during patrols, including emergency response protocols.

  • Engagement Policies: Define how handlers should interact with employees, customers, and visitors to maintain a positive atmosphere.

Training and Compliance:

  • Regular Training: Ensure ongoing training for handlers to keep them updated on procedures and best practices.

  • Compliance with Regulations: Make sure all policies adhere to local laws and regulations regarding animal handling and public safety.

Summary Table

Customization Aspect Description Benefits
Assess Security Needs Evaluate vulnerabilities and define objectives Targeted security approach
Choose Breed and Training Select appropriate breed and specialized training Effective handling and enhanced security
Determine Patrol Frequency Customize patrol frequency and schedule Adaptability to business needs
Define Areas of Focus Identify high-risk zones and event-based security Enhanced attention where needed
Integrate with Security Systems Coordinate with existing measures and utilize technology Comprehensive security strategy
Establish Policies and Protocols Develop clear operational guidelines and training Consistent and compliant security operations


Customizing a dog patrolling package for your business is essential for maximizing security effectiveness. By assessing your specific needs, choosing the right breed and training, determining patrol schedules, and integrating with existing security measures, you can create a tailored solution that enhances safety and deters potential threats. Establishing clear policies and maintaining open communication will further ensure that your dog patrolling service operates smoothly and effectively, providing peace of mind for both employees and customers.

At Intraguard, we offer a wide array of security services including patrolling, manning, and corporate reception duties. Our expertise in CCTV and guard dog patrols ensures we can meet the security needs of various sectors throughout the UK.


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